• Lunes a jueves 9h a 14h & 15h a 19h • Viernes 9h a 14h

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Type of engine
Full kit
Type of door

Folding doors

Folding door motors 1 or 2 blades to automate residential, community or industrial doors.

Electromechanical, hydraulic, or articulated arm actuators to power your garage door.

Other, of circular cross-section

Motorline PUMA
Other, of circular cross-section
Motor electromecánico Motorline PUMA para puertas batientes
Other, of circular cross-section
copy of Electromechanical Motor BFT 24V 'PHOBOS BT A25' up to 400 kg and 2,5 metres or 'PHOBOS BT A40' up to 500 kg and 4 metres
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine buried FAAC 770N for residential doors up to 3.5m
Other, of circular cross-section
KIT engines BFT "LUX MB" hydraulics very intensive use swing doors up to 2.3 m
Other, of circular cross-section
KIT articulated engines BFT "VIRGO SMART BT A' residential swing doors up to 2m
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine Motorline PERSA electromechanical for swing doors up to 3 m
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine buried DEA GHOST 200 in 230V & 24V version for residential swing doors
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine Motorline JAG for swing doors up to 4/6m in length