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Security photocells are a security element installed inside and/or outside automatic garage doors or blinds. Its main function is to detect by cutting off the infrared beam when a person, vehicle, pet or any other element passes through the arch of the door when it is closing.

Photocells can be mainly classified into: Emitter-Receiver of reflection through a cathode ray mirror.

Manufacture from materials of any heading

Manufacture from materials of any heading
Safety photocell Motorline MF40 orientables 180o
Manufacture from materials of any heading
Fotocélula de seguridad Prastel FOTO30-B
Manufacture from materials of any heading
Safety photocell Aprimatic ER10 Transmitter-receiver 12/24V up to 20m
Manufacture from materials of any heading
Column photocell Motorline MF2020 for industrial doors up to 10m wide and 2,6m high
Manufacture from materials of any heading
Safety photocell BFT Compact A20 180° transmitter receiver
Safety equipment
Autonomous capacity counting and control system
Manufacture from materials of any heading
Columns from outside NICE Era Post