• Lunes a jueves 9h a 14h & 15h a 19h • Viernes 9h a 14h

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Parts and accessories of machinery

Operators to drive swing doors with state-of-the-art electromechanical motors. Designed to deliver exceptional performance and quiet operation, our motors are the ideal choice for automating your residential, community or industrial swing doors with reliability and efficiency. With a robust and durable construction, we guarantee a long service life and smooth operation in a variety of weather conditions

Parts and accessories of machinery

Motorline PUMA
Other, of circular cross-section
Motor electromecánico Motorline PUMA para puertas batientes
Other, of circular cross-section
copy of Electromechanical Motor BFT 24V 'PHOBOS BT A25' up to 400 kg and 2,5 metres or 'PHOBOS BT A40' up to 500 kg and 4 metres
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine buried FAAC 770N for residential doors up to 3.5m
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine Motorline PERSA electromechanical for swing doors up to 3 m
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine buried DEA GHOST 200 in 230V & 24V version for residential swing doors
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine Motorline JAG for swing doors up to 4/6m in length
Other, of circular cross-section
KIT Electromechanical engines BFT 24V 'PHOBOS BT A25' up to 400 kg and 2,5 metres or 'PHOBOS BT A40' up to 500 kg and 4 metres
Other, of circular cross-section
Engine buried Nice M-Fab HS for rapid actuation of swing doors up to 3 m
Other, of circular cross-section
Electromechanical engine BFT 24V 'PHOBOS BT A25' up to 400 kg and 2,5 metres or 'PHOBOS BT A40' up to 500 kg and 4 metres